Title: The Finding Aid Performance Creator: Forde, Ivan (video)Creator: sdNicholas (photos) Date: 2013-05-21 Place: New York, New York Description: I co-curated The Finding Aid: Black Women at the Intersection of Art and Archiving event at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. The Finding Aid was an interactive, multi-media dialogue that explored the intersection […]
Category: performance
Grocery Cart Mayhem
Title: Grocery Cart Mayhem Creator: Holmes, Dan Date: 2012-03-25 Place: New York, New York Description: When my dear friend and performance artist, Caitlin Gill, visited NYC for the first time, she said, “The public spaces here are just asking for spontaneous performances.” We went to Battery Park and rode the Staten Island Ferry to perform […]
Broken-Heart Documentation
Title: Broken-Heart Documentation Creator: Carter, Emerald Date: 2012-02-04 Place: Brooklyn, New York Description: Part of my 2012 “let go, love me” rituals. Performed on the A-Train. On December 2, 2011, around 8 a.m., I was riding the A-Train to work, when a young man entered wearing a sandwich board. He wore that photo of him […]
Title: BOWWOW #8 Creator: Lalor, Jason Anthony Date: 2011-09-01 Place: New York, New York Description: This is an abridged version of the somethymes grief… literary performance filmed at the Bowery Poetry Club for the reading series BOWWOW. […]