Title: KCAL Creator: Joseph, Joyce LeeAnn Date: 2007-07 Place: Hampton, Virginia Description: Kweli Community Athletics Leagues (KCAL) was an organization that Adrian envisioned, and was approved by Virginia’s Community Building Network (CBN). The organization was created, because Adrian wanted to combine his love for kids and sports into something positive for his community. […]

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Universal Guidance Tattoo

Title: Universal Guidance Tattoo Creator: Joseph, Joyce LeeAnn Date: 2007-12 Place: Denver, Colorado Description: On the day of Adrian’s death, one of my dear friends, Tiana Bates/Nutmeg, wrote this on my hand. I went to tattoo over it the next day in an attempt to redistribute the pain and to document the experience. […]

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B215 Divider

Title: B215 Divider Creator: Joseph, Joyce LeeAnn Date: 2008-07 Place: Boulder, Colorado Description: I painted this on a room divider in my studio apartment.memo to thyme:when these bodies decay…our love remains. when these ideas of self disengage…our bond remains. when these concepts and beliefs cease…our truth remains. when these words prove insufficient…our poetry remains. when […]

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